Childhood Education
Balibo House Trust works to advance early childhood education through its support of the Balibo Five Kindergarten and construction of three schools in the villages of Belola, Faluwai and Ai Asa.
Balibo Dental Clinic
The Balibo Dental Clinic employs a Timorese dentist trained in Indonesia and two Timorese dental assistants. Our dental staff are assisted by visits from volunteer overseas dentists.
Balibo Fort Hotel
For all bookings and enquires for this very special accommodation, cultural and historical experience click the image.
Balibó House Trust
The trust works to honour the memories of the Balibó Five by enriching the lives and livelihoods of the Balibó people Generally, the Trust focusses its efforts on delivering strategic capital works and infrastructure that help to establish the foundations of a resilient local economy in Balibó, focusing on education, training, employment and heritage-based tourism.
What's Happening
Launch of Balibo Veterans’ Museum
The Balibo Veterans’ Museum was launched on Saturday 30 April. The Museum honours the memory o
Vehicle fundraiser – please help
Please help us improve dental hygiene and support teachers and young women in Timor-Leste. Since 200
Tribute to Ricardo Krauskopf
Our great friend and supporter Ricardo Krauskopf passed away on 24th September after a long battle w