Our Mission and Vision
Our Mission
The Balibo House Trust honours the memories of the Balibo Five by working with the Balibo Community to enrich their lives.
We work to achieve our mission by:
- Promoting early childhood education through the Balibó Five Kindergarten and the five primary schools we have constructed.
- Developing skills through the Balibó Community Learning Centre.
- Creating employment and income through tourism at the historic Balibó Fort, Balibo Fort Hotel and Dental Clinic.
- Improving the oral health of the Balibo community by providing free dental treatment and community education and preventative programs.
- Fostering awareness of the significance of Balibó to relationships between Australia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia.
- Maintaining a permanent memorial to the five journalists murdered at Balibó in 1975 and to the Balibó people murdered during the Indonesian occupation of Timor-Leste.
Generally, the Trust focusses its efforts on delivering strategic capital works and infrastructure that help to establish the foundations of a resilient local economy in Balibó, focusing on education, training, employment and heritage-based tourism.